“Jennifer Aniston Flaunts Flawless Figure in Festive Bikini during Christmas Celebration”

If your Christmas was spent cleaning up after your Great Aunt and constantly refilling your mom’s Bailey’s glass with real cream because you can’t be bothered to go to the store for more, or failing to persuade your dad that the movie “Santa Claus” is based on a true story, then you might want to stop reading now.

It seems that Jennifer Aniston had a better day than most of us, judging from the photos. She and her fiancé decided to spend their holidays in Mexico, relaxing by a pool in Cabo. Interestingly, I’ve only heard of Cabo in episodes of the OC, where Marissa and Summer excitedly shout “let’s go to Cabo!” but someone always ends up in trouble after having too much fun.

Great news! To the best of our knowledge, Justin and Jennifer did not suffer any harm in any dark corners. However, it seems like they had an amazing time!

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