From Aggressive to Affectionate: The Journey of a Troubled Canine Towards Redemption and Unconditional Love

Quarter’s fame arrived with him when he was surrendered to the shelter, but he didn’t earn it. The reason behind this is that the 5-year-old Chihuahua supposedly bit someone as per the woman who left him at the shelter situated in the Los Angeles region.

Many homeowners use biting as a reason to surrender their dogs, even if it may not be true. Sadly, this often leads to the dog being put down. Quarter, a dog with a reputation for aggression and fear of his unpredictable surroundings, quickly found himself in trouble again. Traci Jean Gallegos-Schuver, the foster and transport coordinator of Little Diva Rescue, shared that shelter workers are wary when dealing with aggressive dogs during intake. Quarter reportedly bit a shelter worker while they were trying to process him.

This implies that the poor dog had to endure a prolonged and uncertain period of quarantine with limited human interaction. The situation was made even worse because it decreased his chances of being adopted from the shelter. If an animal is placed in quarantine, the shelter will only release him to a rescue group that has been authorized and has agreed to strict terms in a legal waiver.

According to Gallegos-Schuver, in the event that someone gets bitten, it implies that the rescue group is not responsible for any harm that may occur to others. After being in quarantine for three weeks, Little Diva Rescue was eventually able to take Quarter into their care once all the necessary paperwork was settled. This was a huge relief for everyone involved, especially Teddy who even got a new name after visiting the vet.

Gallegos-Schuver shares that despite being a bit scared, Teddy never once displayed any aggressive behavior. In fact, even the veterinarian exclaimed that he was simply a misunderstood dog and had always been a jewel. After fostering Teddy for three weeks, Gallegos-Schuver brought him home. However, Teddy still struggled to shake off his unflattering reputation. Gallegos-Schuver was a bit apprehensive about leaving him and a companion alone one night since he had just left the shelter and she was worried about how he would behave around other people. But once he was given a chance to establish his own reputation, word of this kind and gentle dog seeking a home spread quickly. Teddy’s luck turned around when a couple from Richmond, Virginia gave him a forever home. A flight attendant who was a friend of Gallegos-Schuver’s offered to book a cabin flight for Teddy from California to his new family. According to Gallegos-Schuver, Teddy even met and kissed four flight attendants on the plane and was really amazing.

Teddy had a wonderful experience on Wednesday when he spent his first night with his new loving family. Gallegos-Schuver reported that he instantly connected with John and Mary, which made the rescue process even better. If you want to assist in finding more dogs their forever homes, consider making a contribution here for Little Diva.

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