Emotional Moment: Jennifer Aniston and Ellen DeGeneres Moved to Tears by Daughter’s Plea for Help for Unemployed Father

Ellen DeGeneres started her amazing three-night event, The Best Night Of Giveaways, and was joined by Jennifer Aniston who got emotional while assisting a family in need. The touching moment came when Jennifer, aged 50, was moved to tears while viewing a video of a daughter desperately requesting Ellen, aged 61, for help for her unemployed father. The video was made by viewer Elyse Kimball, who shared the heartbreaking story of her dad Jeff, who was left to raise their two daughters alone after losing his wife to cancer when the girls were young.

Emotional moment: Jennifer Aniston broke down in tears on the Ellen DeGeneres show on Tuesday after watching a video package of a struggling family the show were helping out

Heartfelt moment: During her appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show, Jennifer Aniston was moved to tears while watching a video showcasing a family in need that the show was supporting.


In the emotional video, Elyse tearfully expressed her gratitude for her husband’s sacrifices for their family of three. She shared, “He has given everything he has for us. He deserves better than this.” With tears in her eyes, she continued, “He is my rock, my everything. I want to give back to him for once. I want him to receive the recognition he deserves, but I can’t do it alone.”

The touching video moved Jennifer to tears, prompting Ellen to orchestrate a surprise for the family by arranging for a film crew to appear under the guise of a show about life transformations.

Deserves it: Elyse said her father deserved help after raising two young girls alone after their mother Amy died of cancer at age 38

Elyse expressed that her father truly earned the support, having taken on the responsibility of raising two young girls single-handedly after the passing of their mother, Amy, from cancer at just 38 years old.

Family assistance: Jennifer and Ellen helped the family out during the one-hour show on NBC

During a one-hour special on NBC, Jennifer and Ellen lent a helping hand to a family in need. Jeff Kimball shared his heartbreaking story of losing his wife Amy when their daughters Elyse and Lexi were just three and five years old, respectively. In a touching moment, Jennifer and Ellen comforted the family as emotions ran high. Jeff also expressed how Amy found inspiration in Ellen’s character Dory from Finding Nemo during her battle with cancer.

Tears wiped: The actress was moved by the video about the single father

Staying strong: The Hollywood star struggled to maintain her composure watching the video

Eyes glistening: The actress was touched by the video featuring a single father.

Tears flowing: The Friends star helped Elyse with her tears as her sister Lexi and father Jeff also took the stage

Tears streaming down their faces, the actor from the popular show Friends offered comfort to Elyse as her sister Lexi and father Jeff joined her on stage. Jeff shared the emotional moment before Elyse’s 13-hour surgery, where he blew her a kiss and encouraged her to “just keep swimming.” Jennifer expressed her surprise, asking what their late mother would think if she knew they were there. Jeff replied that she would be overjoyed, as she was a huge fan of Ellen and would probably joke about getting even closer to her favorite talk show host.

Tight family: Jeff, Lexi and Elyse received multiple gifts from Ellen and Jennifer

Close-knit family: Jeff, Lexi, and Elyse were pleasantly surprised with a plethora of presents from Ellen and Jennifer. To top it off, Ellen disclosed that their house had been decked out with Christmas lights while they were gone for the recording. On top of that, their abode was adorned with a sparkling Christmas tree, numerous gifts, and fresh furniture. Jennifer even added a special touch by giving them an Eiffel Tower ornament for their tree.

Multiple gifts: The family's home was decorated for the holidays and filled with presents

Several gifts adorned the family’s festive home, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere during the holiday season.

Tree ornament: Jennifer gave the family a Christmas tree ornament of the Eiffel Tower along with a trip to Paris

Tree decoration: Jennifer surprised the family with a Christmas tree ornament in the shape of the Eiffel Tower and tickets to visit Paris.

The actor from the popular TV show Friends shared that Amy had always dreamed of visiting Paris. Hearing this, Ellen excitedly declared that she would be sending the family on a magical trip to the French capital. Jennifer chimed in, mentioning her recent visit to Italy and suggesting it be added to their travel plans. Ellen then suggested London as another destination, to which Jennifer casually remarked, “Why not throw in a trip to Greece while we’re at it?”

Extended trip: The actress said they should also go to Italy and Ellen made it a month-long vacation in Europe

Long vacation plans: The actress suggested adding Italy to their itinerary, and Ellen turned it into a month-long European adventure.
Excitedly, Ellen announced to the family, “You’re off to Europe for a whole month!”
Afterwards, they played a fun game of Say Whaaat?, where each family member received $50,000 in Visa cards.
The first episode began with a heartwarming surprise as Michelle Obama, aged 55, visited and delighted students at Randle Highlands Elementary School in southeast Washington, DC.

Telephone game: The Kimball family also received $150,000 after playing Say Whaaat?

Phone Game Fun Fact: The Kimball family ended up winning a cool $150,000 from participating in the Say Whaaat? game show.

Premiere episode: The premiere episode opened with Michelle Obama, 55, surprising students at Randle Highlands Elementary School in southeast Washington, DC

The debut episode kicked off with a delightful surprise from Michelle Obama, at the age of 55, as she paid a visit to the students at Randle Highlands Elementary School in Washington, DC. The school’s principal, Kristie Edwards, highlighted the challenging environment the school is in, with 65 percent of students coming from foster care or experiencing homelessness.

The former First Lady brought smiles to a couple of girls in a computer lab who were overjoyed to see her, yelling ‘Obama!’ and shedding tears of excitement. Michelle generously handed the principal a check of $100,000 to assist with the school’s financial needs.

Reflecting on her upbringing, Michelle shared a valuable lesson she learned from her parents, emphasizing the importance of not only working for oneself but also extending a helping hand to lift others up along the way.

Vietnam trip: Former First Lady Michelle is shown Monday in Vietnam while promoting education for adolescent girls

During her visit to Vietnam, Former First Lady Michelle was seen promoting education for young girls. She surprised a school by announcing the donation of a new outdoor basketball court after realizing they didn’t have one. Michelle also provided the school with new computers for their lab and laptops for teachers. The students were overjoyed when she gifted each of them a new iPad, with white confetti falling around them. The generous donations were made possible by Ellen’s Greatest Night Of Giveaways, with support from Apple and Green Dot. Actor Sterling K. Brown, known for his role in the NBC series This Is Us, also joined in the giving.

TV star: Sterling K. Brown also helped out Ellen on her first giveaway night

Actor Sterling K. Brown joined Ellen DeGeneres to lend a helping hand during her inaugural giveaway night. Together, they shocked sign spinner Rico El-lis, who had taken up spinning signs to support his family financially. Rico shared his heartbreaking story of living in a car with his mother and brother, where his mother tried to pass it off as ‘camping’ to keep his spirits up. However, Rico soon realized the harsh reality of their situation. Sterling took Rico to a car dealership where he received the news that Ellen had arranged for him to choose any car from the lot to take home.

Sign spinner: Rico El-lis was surprised to meet the star of NBC's This Is Us

Rico El-lis had an unexpected encounter with a celebrity while spinning signs – the star of NBC’s hit show This Is Us!
After showcasing his skills with a white convertible, Rico gave Ellen a spinning lesson right in the studio.
To his surprise, Ellen rewarded him with a generous gift of $100,000 in a Green Dot Unlimited Bank Account and even offered him a job on her talk show.
The audience, who thought they were watching a play featuring Ellen, were thrilled to receive gifts like $500 Visa gift cards, a Hydro rowing machine, Samsonite Voltage luggage, and a luxury trip to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Don’t miss Ellen’s Greatest Night Of Giveaways airing on NBC this Wednesday and Thursday, where stars like Justin Timberlake, Robert Downey Jr., and Chrissy Teigen will join in on the generosity.

New car: Rico was gifted with a new car by Ellen along with $100,000 and a job offer

Rico received a brand new car from Ellen, as well as a generous $100,000 cash gift and an exciting job opportunity.

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