
Amidst the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan is experiencing an enchanting spring season. Typically, the Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki, Japan, attracts many visitors during the blooming months of spring. However, due to the country-wide lockdown, the park remains empty. This vast garden spans over 470 acres and boasts millions of […]

If you’re yearning for a touch of mystique and beauty in your garden, look no further than ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ (Rosa Grandiflora ‘Wild Blue Yonder’). This captivating rose cultivar takes you on a majestic journey into the realm of blue-hued blooms. With its unique color, graceful form, and enchanting presence, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ is sure

If you’re searching for a rose that exudes elegance and grace, look no further than ‘Elle’ (Rosa Hybrid Tea ‘Elle’). This exquisite rose cultivar is known for its classic beauty, delicate form, and captivating fragrance. With its stunning blooms and timeless charm, ‘Elle’ is sure to add a touch of sophistication to any garden or

‘Morden Fireglow’ (Rosa Floribunda ‘Morden Fireglow’) is a captivating floribunda rose that adds a burst of fiery color to any garden. With its vibrant blooms, cold hardiness, and versatility, this rose cultivar is a favorite among gardeners seeking a striking and reliable addition to their outdoor spaces. The blooms of ‘Morden Fireglow’ fall somewhere between

If you’re looking to bring the vibrant spirit of a carnival to your garden, look no further than ‘Mardi Gras’ (Rosa Floribunda ‘Mardi Gras’). This captivating rose cultivar is known for its dazzling colors, abundant blooms, and lively personality. With its festive display and eye-catching beauty, ‘Mardi Gras’ is sure to turn your garden into

The Julia Child rose is a delightful floral option with a sweet fragrance reminiscent of licorice. It is smaller in size and commonly grown in containers due to its floribunda characteristics, producing plenty of flowers in tight clusters. Its soft yellow petals form dense three-inch double blooms that are eye-catching and attractive to bees, butterflies,

If you’re seeking a rose that will bring an explosion of color to your garden, look no further than ‘Rainbow Knockout’ (Rosa ‘Rainbow Knockout’). This vibrant and vigorous shrub rose cultivar is known for its abundant blooms, disease resistance, and a kaleidoscope of colors. With its stunning display and hardy nature, ‘Rainbow Knockout’ is sure

If you’re longing for the vibrant hues of a tropical sunset in your garden, look no further than ‘Tahitian Sunset’ (Rose Hybrid Tea ‘Tahitian Sunset’). This captivating rose cultivar is known for its stunning colors, elegant form, and delightful fragrance. With its vibrant blooms and exotic charm, ‘Tahitian Sunset’ is sure to transport you to

If you’re in search of a rose that exudes elegance and regal charm, look no further than Rosa ‘Falstaff.’ This stunning English shrub rose cultivar is known for its rich color, strong fragrance, and old-world charm. With its velvety blooms and captivating presence, ‘Falstaff’ is sure to add a touch of sophistication to any garden

If you’re searching for a rose that effortlessly brings vibrant color and charm to your garden, look no further than Rosa Floribunda ‘Easy Does It.’ This delightful rose cultivar is known for its abundant blooms, easy-care nature, and striking color palette. With its cheerful and vibrant presence, ‘Easy Does It’ is sure to bring joy

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