Angelina Jolie advocates for equal treatment and rights for displaced individuals globally, emphasizing the plight of Ukrainian refugees.

On Thursday, Angelina Jolie took to Instagram to express her concern over the devastating effects of the Russian invasion on Ukraine, which has led to countless Ukrainians having to leave their homes and country. The actress and activist pointed out that this isn’t an isolated case, comparing it to the struggles faced by other refugee groups worldwide. She emphasized in her post that every refugee and displaced person deserves fair treatment and rights, regardless of their nationality or race.

Equal treatment: Angelina Jolie, 46, urged her Instagram followers to treat refugees around the world with the same compassion that they have shown for Ukrainians fleeing from the Russian attacks on Thursday; seen in 2011 in LA

Angelina Jolie, who is 46 years old, requested her Instagram followers to treat refugees worldwide with the same kindness that they have shown towards Ukrainians fleeing from Russian attacks on Thursday. In her post, Jolie shared powerful pictures of refugees from different countries, including a heartfelt snapshot of a Ukrainian girl staring out of a bus window. She began her caption by stating that one million refugees have fled Ukraine. However, even before a single Ukrainian refugee left their country, over 82 million people worldwide were already displaced from their homes, which is the highest number ever recorded. This number includes over 6 million Syrians, the world’s largest population of refugees, who have been displaced for more than ten years.

Global issue: She noted one million Ukrainians had already fled, but more than '82 million people' had already been forced to flee their homes elsewhere in the world; seen February 9 in Washington, D.C.

In a recent statement made in Washington, D.C., Angelina Jolie expressed her concern about the alarming number of people being forced to flee their homes worldwide. According to her, more than 82 million people are currently displaced with over one million Ukrainians being among them. She further pointed out that Rohingyas from Myanmar are also being forcefully removed from their homes and living as stateless individuals. She then listed other countries where people are being internally displaced due to conflict and violence. Jolie emphasized that all refugees and displaced individuals should receive equal treatment and rights. In her statement, she used the hashtag ‘#RefugeesWelcome’ and mentioned countries such as Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and the stateless Rohingya who have been victims of genocide.

In her thoughts: Late last month, Jolie ¿ who was appointed the Special Envoy to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2012 ¿ shared on Instagram that, 'Like many of you, I'm praying for the people in Ukraine'

Recently, Angelina Jolie, who was appointed as the Special Envoy to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2012, expressed her concern over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. In a statement shared on Instagram, she revealed that she’s praying for the people of Ukraine, just like many others. Additionally, Jolie also shared a message from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which is working closely with the United Nations, Ukraine, and other European countries to provide humanitarian assistance in response to Russia’s military action. The message highlighted the deteriorating situation and the devastating impact it could have on civilians. The UN emphasized the importance of protecting civilian populations and infrastructure at all times, in accordance with International Humanitarian Law. The organization has increased its operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighboring countries to support all affected populations in the region.

Time for action: Last month, Jolie turned her activism toward speaking out in favor of reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act after it was previously held up by Republicans in congress; seen February 9 in Washington, D.C.

Let’s get moving: Jolie recently shifted her focus to advocate for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. The act had previously faced opposition from Republicans in congress, but Jolie spoke out in support of it last month while in Washington, D.C.


Last month, actress and activist Jolie shifted her focus towards advocating for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. She expressed her disappointment with the Republican congress for previously halting the act, which had expired almost a decade ago. During a press conference, Jolie became visibly emotional as she spoke out against Congress’ “silence” on the matter. She specifically acknowledged the children who are suffering and terrified due to this inaction. She also highlighted the pain and trauma that women who have suffered through abuse carry with them, as well as the young adults who have survived abuse despite the lack of support from child protective services. Jolie ended her speech by remembering the women and children who have tragically died and could have been saved if the act had been renewed.

Amid a surge of Russian attacks on Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, took to Twitter on Thursday to warn about troubling reports. These reports suggest that there might be a planned operation to make it seem like Ukraine has attacked a Russian village. Kuleba’s statement comes after several days of Russian troop movements surrounding key Ukrainian cities. Kuleba expressed concern that Russia might stage a false flag operation, pointing out that there are multiple rocket-launching systems pointed towards their own territory in Popovka. Although Kuleba’s statement has not been confirmed by other officials, Putin’s forces have been accused of launching false flag attacks before the invasion of Ukraine last week.

Accusation:'Russians might have pointed multiple rocket-launching systems in the Russian border village of Popovka towards their own territory. Knowing the barbaric nature of Russian actions we fear a false flag operation,' Kuleba said; An apartment building in Borodyanka is seen Thursday morning almost totally destroyed after a Russian missile struck it

The allegation has been made that Russians could have aimed rocket-launching systems towards their own territory from the village of Popovka, located near the Russian border. Due to Russia’s history of violent actions, there is concern that this may be a false flag operation. This concern comes after a missile from Russia destroyed an apartment building in Borodyanka.

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